President & Administrative Leadership

President & Administrative Leadership

Efrîn University Council (EUC) is a purposeful and largely representative forum which exists to consider the activities of the University in all its phases, with particular attention to the educational objectives of the University and those matters that affect the common interests of faculty, staff and students. It may recommend general policies. It is authorised to initiate policy proposals as well as to express its judgment on those submitted to it by the administrative officers of the University and its various academic divisions. It is also empowered to request information through appropriate channels from any member of the University administration.

Membership of EUC requires a readiness to attend meetings of the Council regularly and to participate fully in its business. It is the continuous obligation of the members of the EUC to report to the members of their constituencies about the discussions, the decisions, and recommendations of the EUC and to solicit questions and suggestions for presentation to the EUC.

The Efrîn University Council Members